Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Wed 12August 1987

The trip was rather to see other interesting places in UK. At the same time, meeting other Malaysian from different walks of life. I accompanied Khalid to meet his cousin in Hull, located in the north of UK. We took a coach from Victoria, London in the morning. We reach Hull around 3pm after 4 and half hours journey by road. It was decided to stay at his cousin's apartment for 3 days at Kingston-Upon-Hull. His cousin, a lecturer from UPM, the Malaysia Agriculture University(now known as University Putra Malaysia) stayed with his wife and one son. He took a postgraduate study.

Upon meeting at the Hull Coach station, i was introduced by Khalid with different language as they spoke Javanese. Of course, we knew them by an abbreviation JPS -stands for Jawa Peranakan Selangor (the term used to describe their clan when they speak other).

We had an entertaining evening as they (the Malaysian students within the same community with Khalid's cousin) invited us to join to play Badminton (even it was not my favorite sport). I enjoyed the game.

Thu 13August 1987

We had a late breakfast. Poor me as i am the early bird. Had to bear my stomach until the breakfast is served by the host.

We were then brought to a small town known as Hornsea. The name itself  known for the beach meant for the local within Hull. The attraction was not only to go the seaside but also to the well-known Pottery outlet in this town.

Being in summer, we were had the chance to pick strawberries at the nearest farm to bring home too.

Fri14August 1987

Even we are musafir (away from home and had some priviliges for performing solat in simple ways as allowed by the religion like combining the two prayers into one), with God bless, we had the opportunity to perform Friday prayer at the Hull Islamic Centre. The Moslem community in Hull were quite big and hence,ease the community to get the Halal meat. Alhamdulilah.

Sat15August 1987

We were privileged to be Khalid's cousin guests. On our last day before we took the coach at 4.30pm, we were shown the Humberbridge (imagine you see the 1st Penang Bridge) . I was made to understand that the bridge had the longest span in the world. Well, i am not good to explain it in words. It was one of the best bridges i have seen in my life apart from the Penang Bridge (which made the Malaysian proud of it those day). We spent some time at Hull Town Centre to buy momento before leaving the town.

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